Year 10 Maths Competition Success

Huge congratulations to the Year 10 Maths Team from the competition at ‘Wheatley Park School‘ on 20 March. Competing against over twenty schools in our region, the team of Mayling, Sophia, Olga and Yuemi (all certificate winners from the individual challenge in February) battled their way through four intensive rounds of advanced mathematical problem solving.  They came close to winning one of the rounds, and were presented with a certificate for great teamwork at the end of the competition.

They showed real strength and resilience, combining their recall of their current mathematical knowledge with the need to apply this to more advanced concepts presented on the night. It was a delight to see them bounce ideas between each other, coming up with new tactics if initial attempts failed. It was particularly impressive to watch their determination and effort continue long after a school day, with the competition finishing at 7.30pm.