Top Five Revision Tips to Get You Through Exam Season!

It is the start of the new year and we are getting right into the swing of it this week as Year 11, 12, and 13 pupils sit for their Mock Exams. Below, we share a list of top five revision tips that will help any pupil get through their exam season. 

1.) Start With a Study Timetable 

A study timetable will keep you focused on what you need to do and when — a useful practice for exam prep! This will help you be efficient and wise with your time and with the topics you need to study.

A revision timetable also helps give you balance and lets you see what you need to prioritise.

2.) Break Down Your Topics 

It can be scary to take on a whole subject all at once. Instead, divide the subject into areas of study that you need to cover and use this breakdown to assist you in putting together your revision timetable.

3.) Set Achievable Goals  

When planning your revision schedule, try to give yourself manageable goals for each study session. Achievable aims will help to keep you motivated i.e. instead of trying to cram in everything about Henry VIII’s reign in forty minutes, perhaps focus on committing to memory ten key dates.

4.) Remember…Study Buddies Don’t Always Work!

It is great to study alongside your friends…if you get the studying done! Sometimes, studying with your friends can be more of a distraction than a help. Be strict and honest with yourself — sometimes, you have to be a little selfish when it comes to studying and revising!

5.) Finally…Get a Little Shut-Eye…

A great night’s rest goes a long way particularly during what can be an exhausting time! Good sleep helps you remember things, keeps you focused and helps you stay motivated. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep a night and stick to a routine that helps you unwind in the evenings!

Read more great tips for studying on the UniGuide Website.