New Year, New Beginnings!

The excitement of a new school year beginning starts mid-August when shops are full of school uniforms and stationery that show promise of a new start and anticipation of what is to come. The first day of the school term in September is a blank canvas and each pupil is their own artist, fully equipped to paint a masterpiece of their success and adventure of the school year.

These pictures are filled with ambitious plans that we fulfil through our first-class teaching which enables every child to have very opportunity to achieve outstanding results for themselves. Whether they are scientists, musicians, sporting starts, linguists or mathematicians, the year offers them the promise, support and challenge to realise their ambitions.

Not only do our pupils have a springboard for academic excellence, but also the possibility to discover more about themselves and who they wish to be. Each year provides a new start for them to set out their stall, design their own dreams, and take their life in a new direction.

The prospect of trying new clubs, such as Rye’s Riding Club, provide scope for building resilience and developing new skills that ensure our pupils are well-rounded and confident to try their hand at anything. The world should know that Rye’s pupil have the confidence and ability to shake the world: future leaders not just in our community but also in the world.

The start of a new school year brings the hope and anticipation of something great coming. Who knows what is around the corner and what may happen. Each child’s journey will be unique to them, filled with fun, laughter and learning. The chance to shine and to achieve the best they can and to inspire. Equipped with their own life experiences that make and shape them as individuals, they become ambassadors for success and kindness to all.

As this year begins, our resolutions at Rye are focused not just on this academic school year but also the future as we take steps towards our centenary. Our commitment and focus on developing global ambassadors for the future through building a first-class learning environment, and focusing on positive wellbeing and community, are the cornerstones of our work. The future will be Rye, and the future will be our way!

From Jo Croft, Head at Rye St Antony.