Hendred Charity Day Raises Over £1000 for SSNAP!

On Friday the 11th of​ March, a cold windy morning couldn’t keep the spirits of Hendred house down. Gathered outside the gate at 8 am, we served hot drinks at the front gate, whilst simultaneously selling raffles and guessing the weight of the cake. Inside the food room, waffles and pancakes were being sold and by 8:30, it had been a successful start to the day in both the food room and by the gate.

At 11 o’clock, the Crush Hall and Rendall were filled with the sounds of eager children crowding around the cake stalls. With the fabulous selection of homemade cakes and treats from Mrs Pearce and members of the house, we were sold out before the bell rang for lessons.

At lunchtime, the Rendall Hall was bustling with people. Stalls lined the back of the hall while exciting bingo games took place in front. Then it was time for the raffle. With an enormous amount of fabulous donations, many won a prize or two, with some getting more! Lots of fun was had and throughout the day, Hendred are proud to say they raised a whopping £1,200 for SSNAP! Well done everyone!

Words: Iris, Year 12