Binsey House Charity Day

It is a number of weeks since the Binsey Charity day was held in school on Friday 10 December, but we were delighted this week to invite the clinical team from the CLEFT unit at the John Radcliffe hospital into school to present them with our cheque for their charity and their work. We were pleased to present the team who visited with a cheque for nearly £600 pounds.

The charity day on Friday 10 December started early with the Sixth Form house captains serving hot waffles and hot chocolate from the Food room – perfect for a cold start to the day! This continued with further snacks being brought round form rooms at breaktime, for pupils to enjoy, despite some covid restrictions remaining in place. Our main event was our charity fair in the Rendall Hall at lunchtime. All year group teams worked very hard to prepare stalls to sell cakes, play games and win prizes.

As you can see from the photos, pupils had a very entertaining time! The cakes from Year 7 were spectacular, Year 8 and 9 created some amazing fun games, and Year 11 raised a large sum of money by creating stunning henna patterns for pupils. Thank you to everyone who helped out, the house captains (Holly, Saman and Emilia) and to all pupils who supported our event on the day!





Words: Mr. Moylan, Head of Binsey House