Senior School -Maths Puzzle and Enrichment Club

The pupils in our Maths Puzzle and Enrichment Club have been enjoying tackling a new series of ‘genius’ puzzles recently. Dice were thrown and markers were put into a grid at positions given by the dice, whereupon all the coloured pieces had to be placed in the remaining gaps. The level of difficulty was very high, so well done to Solveig in Year 8 for correctly solving the new Genius Triangle!

All members of Year 7 and 8 took the UKMT Junior Maths Challenge on 28 April. Between them, they achieved a fantastic three gold, three silver, and seven bronze certificates!

Activities at Rye St Antony, Oxford

Solving Genius Triangle

Year 7:
Gold certificates awarded to Bea, Aoife and Ella (plus qualification into the next round). Bronze certificates awarded to Bea, Sabrina, Maria and Isobel.

Best Activities at Rye St Antony, Oxford

Tackling a Genius Puzzle


Year 8:
Silver certificates awarded to Megan, Solveig and Anabel.

Bronze certificates awarded to Jessica, Celina and Sophia.



The three Year 7 girls who received Golds, Bea, Aoife and Ella, have all qualified for the next round of the competition, ‘The Junior Kangaroo‘. Bea’s score was very nearly high enough to qualify for the ‘Junior Olympiad‘. To have three girls gain a gold, with a score higher still to qualify for the next round, is very rare indeed, especially for a challenge aimed at Year 8!