Pastoral Care

At Rye, we centre everything we do on ensuring the success of each individual. Sixth Form girls benefit from the dedicated community in which they thrive and are part of every day, and provide a key element of it through their day to day interactions. Our strong sense of community is one which allows our girls to be themselves, grow as individuals and have a strong support network of peers and staff around them whilst continuously striving for their best.

In the Sixth Form, all girls have a tutor who looks out for all of their academic and pastoral needs and ensures each of our girls gets the support they need when they need it. In 2020, Rye launched a #BeWellDoWell campaign which highlights the strong focus we, as a school, put on all of our pupils’ mental health and well being alongside their academic success.

Our nurturing approach encourages students to gain a sense of their own worth and promotes emotional well-being. We help them to build the courage and resilience required to realise their full potential.

Our Community

As senior pupils in the school, all Rye Sixth Formers play a part in helping the younger year groups. Prefects will be given basic Safeguarding Training and full support from the Sixth Form Team, to enable them to feel confident in working with younger pupils. This is part of the larger Prefect Programme which is focused on supporting others and being a voice for all.

Sixth Formers at Rye also take on roles as mentors to the younger pupils. The House Mentor system operates with oversight from House Captains in the Sixth Form, and from a dedicated member of the Prefect Team. These opportunities to meet with younger pupils in the Sixth Form dining room provide more chances to ensure that everybody is cared for and part of the community.

Rye is focused on supporting not just the school community, but the wider community in Oxford and beyond. Throughout the year, Sixth Formers campaign for local organisations such as The Porch, though food banks and donations; and work with local care homes to give packages to those who are not often visited.

We have four House Charities Days every year, led by the Sixth Form House Captain. Each of these raises hundreds of pounds for charities chosen by the pupils.

The Sixth Form also helps to organise key community events throughout the year, including the annual Carol Service at the local Church, St Antony of Padua, which sees the whole school reading and singing within the heart of our local area. The Christmas Bazaar and St Antony’s Day celebrations also involve Sixth Formers in a variety of ways.