Life at Rye Sixth Form, Oxford

Sixth Form Life

By Lucy Embers – Head Girl 2020/2021

Our life is the Sixth Form at Rye St Antony, Headington Oxford, is best described as engaging and busy. We follow a similar routine everyday, but there’s always something new to get involved in or lead. Certain parts of this routine are unchanged; every morning we meet in the common room to be registered by our form tutors, this being an opportunity to catch up on school news and discuss any problems we may have. After form, we often have an assembly, these could be just for the Sixth Form or a whole school one. Year 12s and 13s are encouraged to assist in many of these and topics can cover a wide variety of topics, from school trips to religious events.

Following from assembly, we begin our timetabled lessons for the day, if we have no timetabled class, we use the time for independent study. This is carried out mostly in the Sixth Form centre in the dedicated study spaces and serve as a great time to consolidate the learning we have done in class.

One of our favourite parts of the day is morning break, when tea, coffee and biscuits are available in the Sixth Form dining room, we are able to catch up with our friends over a cup of tea and generally appreciate the social time as a nice break from work.

Following our midday lessons, we have our lunch break. We are able to leave the school campus and go into Headington for food if we prefer, but can eat in school if not. Lunch is a crucial time for us to get involved in the lower school; many of us are part of clubs, or take part in initiatives such as School Council. This is also when prefect meetings will take place. Then it is time for our afternoon lessons, which run until 4pm. At the end of the school day, we are able to get some food from the Sixth Form before going home to do our homework and look forward to another day!

Life in Rye St Antony Sixth Form, oxford, really is one where no day is the same in terms of opportunities and learning, yet we thrive in an environment where routine, structure and support allow us to be the people want to be and achieve the very best.